Meet Your Artist: Karen D'Abrosca
MS Education, University of RI
Public school teacher, Health, Wellness, Physical Education, 25 years When teaching teenagers Health & Wellness, my focus includes finding ways for the body & mind to take a break from our fast paced lives. Being in nature does this. A great way to start the day is to look at something natural. This is why I created the seaglass & driftwood mobiles.
With a simple glance, they remind me to slow down, get outside and pause the busy mind.
I’ve always loved being outdoors, especially by the ocean. I have no formal art training. I have studied “Nature Journaling” (simple, descriptive recording of what is happening in nature) with author, maturalist and artist Clare Walker Leslie. This planted the seeds for my creations.
My other interests include skiing, cycling, hiking & yoga.
I live in Saunderstown, RI with my husband & Golden Retriever.